A lifetime memory --- Hyderabad/India 2024
I would like to provide my thoughts on the Water Specific Therapy (WST) Halliwick Method workshop that took place in Hyderabad, India from April 14–18, 2024. With his perspective, the resource person Sir Johan Lambeck, PT, encouraged holistic comprehension during his lectures. That was such a fantastic training session. I'm certain that I can apply the knowledge I learned from the didactic program to my regular patients. I'm totally satisfied after attending the workshop, I had not expected it to be this good. Using everything I've learned in this workshop to the different circumstances I encounter while working toward my PhD will enable me to overcome this significant challenge.
Tejal Pardeshi, PT, Professor, Somaiya College of Physiotherapy, Mumbai
The 5 day aquatic therapy course exceeded my expectations, providing a comprehensive understanding of water-specific therapy techniques. The practical sessions were invaluable, allowing for hands-on experience and skill development in utilizing aquatic environments in a fun learning way. This course has equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to incorporate advanced aquatic therapy modalities into my practice effectively
Thank you so much Sir, for the opportunity for this amazing experience! It will always be a lifetime memory
Priya Sonar, Physiotherapist, Aquamax Centre, Mumbai.
Attending the Aquatic Therapy certification course on Water Specific therapy- Halliwick and the Bad Ragaz Ring Method led by Johan Lambeck was truly enlightening. Throughout the course we were expertly guided through the principles of aquatic therapy while also demonstrating hands-on techniques and sharing insightful case studies. The workshop was tailored to suit the needs of therapists with varying levels of experience.
Whether we were seasoned professionals or new to aquatic therapy, everyone walked away with a deeper understanding of how to leverage the unique properties of water for therapeutic benefits. From learning about the biomechanics of water-based exercises to mastering advanced aquatic interventions, every aspect of the workshop was meticulously planned and executed.
The practical skills and knowledge gained will undoubtedly enhance my ability to provide effective treatment for a wide range of patients.
Pinky Jain (PT)
Godfather of aquatic therapy --- WSTH course Cairo, Egypt: January 2024
I attended the WST course with Johan Lambeck. It was really more than a wonderful course in terms of the content and the amount of information in it. I learned a lot of things that would benefit me in my work. Johan is really a wonderful teacher, not only on the scientific level, but also in the way he explains and how he can change the mood of the attendees. I benefited from him very much. Because I teach at the university.
Johan, I am really very happy to have met you and I hope to do it again, I consider you the godfather of aquatic therapy
Dr. Karim Elsaharty
Lecturer of Pediatrics in MTI University, Cairo
Uiterst deskundig --- Nederlands Paramedisch Instituut
(NPi) staat voor 'Kennis in beweging' en is o.a. het grootste bij- en nascholingsinstituut voor fysiotherapeuten in Nederland.
We zijn heel blij met de samenwerking met Johan Lambeck die voor het NPi al een groot aantal jaren cursussen verzorgt in of rondom het water.
Anno 2023 geeft Johan een cursus in twee weekenden voor het NPi, te weten: Praktijkcursus hydrotherapie: casus-gestuurde interventie technieken.
De laatste jaren zien we een toenemende belangstelling voor hydrotherapie en Water Specifieke Therapie niet in de laatste plaats door de uiterst deskundige wijze waarop Johan en zijn team invulling geven aan de hydrotherapie-cursussen binnen het NPi. Voor alle scholingsthema's zoeken wij altijd de beste cursusleiders en kerndocenten. Wat betreft hydrotherapie is dat zonder enige twijfel gelukt!
Wij hopen dat Johan ook de komende jaren voor het NPi nog vele weekenden vrij kan maken in zijn zeer drukke internationale agenda.
Harm Askes, hoofd Deskundigheidsbevordering NPi (www.npi.nl)
Eine der besten Fortbildungen......Wannseeschulen Berlin
Im Juni 2023 konnten wir Johan Lambeck erstmalig nach Berlin holen und einen Einblick in die wasserspezifische Therapie nach dem Halliwick-Konzept bekommen.
An der 5-tägigen Fortbildung, die in der Wannseeschule für Gesundheitsberufe stattfinden konnte, nahmen Physio- und Ergotherapeut*innen teil.
Johan und die Wassertherapie nach Halliwick haben geschafft Kinder, Eltern, und Therapeut*innen zum Strahlen zu bringen und zum Teil sogar Freudentränen in die Augen zu zaubern. Die Wassertherapie nach Halliwick eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Partizipation von Kindern mit Beeinträchtigungen, da sie in herkömmlichen Schwimmkursen oft scheitern und somit großen Frust erleben.
In einer offenen, humorvollen, abwechslungsreichen und lockeren Lernatmosphäre hat Johan evidenzbasiertes Wissen über die Wassertherapie vermittelt und anhand von Videos, Fotos und Patientendemonstrationen veranschaulicht. Dabei kamen sein enormer Erfahrungsschatz und sein detailliertes Wissen auch weit über die Wassertherapie hinaus in die Bereiche Neuroplastizität, Trainingswissenschaften, Physiologie, ICF, Clinical Reasoning…deutlich zum Ausdruck.
Erfolge bei den Patienten waren schon am 2. Tag sichtbar.
Es war eine der besten Fortbildungen im Bereich der Therapie, bestehend aus einem reichhaltigem praktischen Übungsangebot sowie evidenzbasiertem Theoriewissen.
Die Videos zu den Übungen auf der Webseite sorgen für nachhaltiges Anwenden und ermöglichen bzw. erleichtern zukünftiges therapeutische Handeln.
Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Arbeit im Schwimmbad zukünftig eher verstärkt statt rückläufig Einsatz in den Praxis-/Klinikalltag findet. Die erlebten Erfahrungen, kurzfristige Behandlungserfolge und die Evidenz sprechen klar dafür.
Vielen Dank, dass dieser Wissens- und Erfahrungsschatz mit uns geteilt werden konnte!
Anja Brüggemann, PT, Praxis Physiokiez Berlin
Victoria Britz, PT, Lehrerin Wannseeschulen für Gesundheitsberufe e.V. Berlin
All of us were in awe most of the time….Hyderabad / India 2023
The WST-H, BRRM and CAC courses were incredibly informative, engaging, and practical, and it went above and beyond my expectations and how; in every way this was designed for healthcare professionals.
Johan was highly knowledgeable and passionate about aquatic therapy, and his enthusiasm was infectious. He was able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner, and provided practical examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts with up-to-date course materials. The approach of this certification course was very hands-on, and it encouraged active participation and discussion among the participants. I feel much more confident in my ability: the course has equipped me with the skills I need to succeed in this field.
I highly recommend this certificate course at Hyderabad to anyone who is looking to expand their knowledge and skills in Aquatic Therapy. It is definitely worth the investment and the time spent, I cannot praise it enough.
Water specific therapy (WST) was taught with such finesse and absolute grace by Johan that all of us were in awe most of the time with the wonders water would do: goals that were unlikely to be achieved on land in such a short span of time. His way of teaching was the best. Be it theory or practical, he made sure everyone understands everything.
Clinical Ai Chi proves the saying that water heals your mind, body and soul. The elegance with which Anne Bommer teaches is unmatched. Anne gave an interesting insight into how Ai Chi can be used, making it fun for them and addressing their needs at the same time
Merged and shortened testimonials from:
Ridhi Katariya , Occupational therapist , Nagpur
Raashi Khankal , Physiotherapist , Mumbai
Mansi Ganatra, Neurophysical Therapist, Mumbai
Arpita Nadagoud, Physiotherapist, Hubli
Rashmi Bandelwar , Occupational therapist , Nagpur
Eindrucksvoll und Humorvoll --- Mosaik, Graz/Österreich
Wir, das Mosaik – interdisziplinäres Kompetenzzentrum für Menschen mit Behinderung in Graz/Österreich – konnten Johan wieder dazu gewinnen uns ein Wochenende lang (Dezember 20222) das Halliwick Konzept näher zu bringen.
Für ein paar von uns war es ein Refresher, für einige ganz was Neues. Teilgenommen haben Phyiotherapeutinnen, Ergotherapeutinnen und Elementarpädagoginnen. Uns hat es sehr gefreut, dass Johan für alle Berufsgruppen wichtige Inhalte, in Theorie und Praxis, brachte und so konnte er uns alle für das Halliwick Konzept begeistern. Patientendemos waren sehr eindrucksvoll und schufen den direkten Übertrag in unseren Praxisalltag. Johan hat unglaublich viel Erfahrung, ist humorvoll und unterrichtet evidenzbasiert. Der Kurs hat uns alle bestärkt öfter das Schwimmbad als zusätzliche Therapiemaßnahme zu verwenden.
Aufgrund unserer positiven Erfahrungen hoffen wir, dass das Halliwick Konzept bei uns im Mosaik noch bekannter wird.
Wir freuen uns auf den nächsten Kurs mit Johan!
Brain-triggering --- AARROSH workshops Mumbai
Compilation of 3 in September 2022
Thank you for sharing such a marvelous ocean of knowledge in the MSK workshop; a total blessing to have participated. It was an excellent evidence-based workshop; problem solving of cases gave an urgent needed innovation of our practice. We also learnt so much in the pool part, every moment was enjoyable, both for contents and organization
These 3 days of aquatic neuro workshop has been so brain-triggering, my love for water could not have taken a better turn. The knowledge that I have gained through this workshop is definitely going to help me in future. Teaching techniques were amazing: making me think and implement: I want to learn more with the lovely team and best coach we could ask for, with individual attention for everyone.
I have been waiting for a long time for this thoroughly enriching learning experience in this very well planned and managed workshop. Thank you for teaching a practical base with different aspects. It was truly a blessing to be part of this, and a next time: even more practice and more kids!
Se mouiller --- Audrey Coppel, Genève, Suisse
Cours Halliwick adapté à la Fondation Clair Bois, Lancy
MEMO SUR HALLIWICK : une formation où faudra se mouiller !
H comme hallucinant
A comme attentif
L comme lumière
L comme lien
I comme imagination
W comme travail (en anglais)
I comme individu
C comme concret
K comme kayak
Si tu aimes l’eau, si tu n’aimes pas l’eau, si tu es dynamique ou plutôt calme, qui que tu sois, tu trouveras des solutions concrètes pour accompagner les enfants, adolescents et adultes de Clair Bois à travers cette formation.
Johan et Anne te prouverons que l’eau est notre alliée pour aider chaque personne à progresser et à prendre confiance en elle.
Soit attentif ! Allume les lumières dans ton cerveau ! Tisse du lien et remet l’individu au centre de ton accompagnement, tu pourras alors le faire tanguer comme un kayak, lui donner un maximum de plaisir tout en travaillant ! Les nageurs pourront développer leur auto détermination, dans un milieu propice.
Audrey Coppel
Educatrice CB Chambésy
Amazing work --- Kiki Dickinson, Sylvia Wieczorek and Michelle Gavura, USA
WSTH course Sun City USA November 2021
An amazing 5 day aquatic Halliwick…training from such a knowledgeable, fun and gifted instructor Johan Lambeck! The course has so much hands on learning but also integrates Critical clinical thinking and evidence based research to support what we do!
Kiki Dickinson MPT, PAql, St Croix Therapy, Hudson, WI
I have to admit that WSTH course that took place in Sun City, Arizona was hands down one of the best courses I have ever attended! So much knowledge, experience and fun! I came back to work feeling like a ball of energy full of great ideas for treatment plans for my little patients! 😀
And hands down Johan Lambeck is one of the most skillful and knowledgeable lecturers I have ever had a chance to meet. Excluding the fact that he is already widely known in Europe from his amazing work in aquatic therapy, he has been the most amazing and down to earth teacher. The course was full of fun and enjoyable moments that gave all of us new knowledge and understanding of WSTH. There is so much more to learn and I can not wait for the next year edition! This was such a pleasurable way of gaining knowledge!
Thank you so much Johan, for sharing all those wonderful things with us! I am beyond excited to try everything I've learned and make my little patients enjoy the sessions even more! 😀
Sylvia Wieczorek, PT, Adeo, Greeley, CO
The 5 day Halliwick Method and Water Specific Therapy course was one of the most worthwhile courses I have taken. Johan Lambeck has the gift of being not just a pragmatic, experienced practitioner, but also providing research-based evidence throughout the learning process. You come away with not only hands-on patient skills and the clinical reasoning behind it - but he also makes it a fun and enjoyable experience!
Michelle Gavura PT, Phoenix AZ
One of a kind --- Bunny Con Bungay, Saudi-Arabia
The international advance aquatic therapy course by Johan Lambeck was one of a kind. The course was very organized and supported by rigorous presentation of theoretical concepts to ensure quality and effective treatment to any clients. During the course, Johan demonstrated the different aquatic exercises and techniques which are truly effective; Halliwick 10 points, Water Specific Therapy, Clinical Ai Chi, Bad Ragaz Ring Method, and the most daring and challenging aqua-fit (I am still feeling the sense of cramping muscles on my legs, hoooo!).
I am so grateful that I attended this course because of the comprehensive gained knowledge and skills shared by Johan. I remember the time when Johan demonstrated WST to a patient with spinal cord injury, who wishes to improve his walking. After few movements and techniques, the patient showed a good static standing and started to walk independently. The patient’s father was overwhelmed and started to walk away, silently cried because of joy.
In behalf of the staff who participated in the course, we are really thankful to Johan and Efthymia Vagena (5 days to teach the females) for coming to Riyadh, KSA to share their expertise and skills on aquatic therapy. The knowledge based on aquatic therapy concept, as presented by Johan, was very detailed supported by best evidences. Most of the participants changed their perspectives and views on how effective aquatic therapy to be use to serve clients with disabilities.
To all clinicians out there wondering what aquatic therapy means, please, I insist you to attend this course. You will have the chance to be equipped with super-skills in aquatic therapy. Don’t miss the next course schedule, book yourself and have the chance to start treating your clients with an effective approach.
Bunny Con Bungay, PT I, Aquatic Therapist
Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Humanitarian City
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia
Sound clinical judgement --- Karthik Babu, India
The aquatic therapy course (Hyderabad, 2018) taught by Johan Lambeck, senior lecturer of IATF is blended with evidence based lecture modules and practical sessions translating the aqua-dynamics into clinical practice. The pool experiences have abetted the physio colleagues in exploring the therapeutic ideas of rehabilitation, but not limited to neurological and orthopedic conditions. With an invaluable opportunity to treat patients in the pool, I believe that the aquatic therapy curriculum is well fitting into the framework of ICF, way beyond muscle control, strength, coordination, balance and relaxation!! Johan’s sound clinical judgment and covered sense of humor have complemented the aquatic training much informative, joyous and fun filled!!"
Karthik Babu S, PT, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Physiotherapy
School of Allied Health Sciences
Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Bangalore Campus
Turning a new page for Chinese Aquatic Therapy ---- Dr Tong Sun, Beijing
The aquatic therapy course (Hyderabad, 2018) taught by Johan Lambeck, senior lecturer of IATF is blended with evidence based lecture modules and practical sessions translating the aqua-dynamics into clinical practice. The pool Absolutely, it is a little step for man, but, a giant leap for Chinese therapists who have been devoting to this promising field.
Honestly, Johan and Anne are very dynamic and engaging in the course. I have learned a lot. The Ai Chi skills and Halliwick movements are physically beneficial to help the patients restore the normal functions in theirpost-operative rehabilitation period. As an orthopaedic surgeon, I have to recognize it; I usually focus on the surgical techniques, just satisfied with clinical results in fixing the complicated fractures and excellent post-operative films, rather than rehabilitation. I have participated in many different orthopedic conferences to discuss many difficult cases, but ignored the very important part of the treatment. It is absolutely wrong! And, it is time to change my ideology.
After the course, I have enrolled seve ral Ai Chi movements to help an old female patient with comminuted fracture in proximal humerus. I deeply believe the outcomes will be amazing. I am very proud to be part of the first class of Aquatic Therapy in China.
Thank you Johan and Anne!
Halliwick verändert Therapieansätze grundlegend --- Frank Schilke, Rehabilitationszentrum Lippoldsberg, Deutschland
Wir waren auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Konzept für unsere neurologischen Frührehapatienten im Bewegungsbad. Bei dieser Suche stießen wir auf das Halliwick-Konzept und die Wasserspezifische Therapie. Wir entschieden uns Herrn Lambeck einzuladen um in unserer Klinik eine interdisziplinäre Fortbildung auf das Halliwick-Konzept zu halten.
An der theoretischen Einführung nahmen Ärzte aus den Fachbereichen Innere Medizin und Neurologie, Vertreter unserer Ergotherapie-Schule und Therapeuten der Physikalischen-, Physio-, Ergo- und Neuropsychologischen-Abteilung teil. Herr Lambeck vermittelte sehr anschaulich und mit seiner speziellen humorvollen Art, die positive Wirkung des Wassers auf das neuronale System (Neuroprotektion), die hydromechanischen Effekte und die sich daraus ergebende Sturzprevention. Viele Kontraindikationen, die in unseren Köpfen für die Wassertherapie saßen, wurden ebenfalls ausgeräumt und wir erkannten, dass eigentlich all unsere Patienten ins Wasser können.
Bevor es zur praktischen Umsetzung ins Wasser ging, lieferten uns Videos von Patientenbehandlungen erste Eindrücke. Nach einigen Stunden im Wasser, kamen alle zu der Erkenntnis, dass in dieser Art der Wassertherapie ein sehr großes Potential für die therapeutischen Erfolge bei unseren Patienten liegt. Wie groß das Potential ist, zeigten uns noch zwei Patientendemonstrationen durch Herrn Lambeck.
Seit der Fortbildung haben wir die Anzahl der Behandlungen im Bewegungsbad deutlich gesteigert und sehen bei unseren Patienten wie sehr sie davon profitieren.
Die fachübergreifende Zusammensetzung der Therapeuten wirkte sich zudem sehr positiv auf die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit in der Klinik aus und wird durch regelmäßig stattfindende Workshops weiter gepflegt.
Vielen Dank für die unvergessenen Tage, die Inspirationen und den Spaß, den sie uns an der Arbeit im Wasser vermittelt haben.
Frank Schilke, Rehabilitationszentrum Lippoldsberg, Deutschland
Dynamic & brainstorming course: Hamad Medical Centre, Qatar ---- Susan Ibrahim, Bin Omran
We are glad to have had the workshop on Water Specific Therapy in the Qatar Rehabilitation Institute, conducted by our Physiotherapy department in Hamad Medical Centre (HMC) in March 2017. We are really proud to acquire the knowledge and skills on Water Specific Therapy, Halliwick and Ai chi from a veteran, dynamic and legendary instructor Mr. Johan Lambeck. He is the experienced master in this field who is so friendly, approachable and knowledgeable. His explanations and demonstration on various concepts, clinical reasoning and evidence based practices helped us gain specific skills and encourages us to do more research in the field. Mr.Lambeck allow the participants to think out of the box.
On the other hand the course was dynamic & brainstorming, The theoretical part is attractive & the practice was motivating. The practical part also was very helpful , work related, new techniques & methods were presented especially in the field of group therapy & interactive exercises. Lively demonstrations covers various & wide topics in our field.
We like to thank Mr.Lambeck & our Physiotherapy administration for organizing such a wonderful opportunity for us.
Susan Ibrahim, pediatric supervisor, Physical Therapy Department,
Bin Omran, HMC Qatar
Versorgung mit Ideen und Anregungen --- Claudia Wutzke, Coburg (D)
Unsere Einrichtung, eine Schule für Körperbehinderte Kinde und Jugendliche, lud Herrn Lambeck im Februar2016 für 3 Tage ein, um uns eine Einführung in die Halliwick Wasserspezifische Therapie zu geben.
Herr Lambeck konnte uns mit seiner humorvollen Art, seinem umfangreichen theoretischen Wissen und seinen vielen praktischen Erfahrungen mitreißen.
Die Aufmerksamkeit und Neugierde der Teilnehmer, sowie das Vertrauen der Kinder und Jugendlichen im Wasser hatte er schnell gewonnen. Mit Filmmaterial konnte er die theoretischen Abhandlungen mit seinen vielen eigenen Beispielen aus der Praxis untermauern.
Er versorgte uns mit neuen Ideen und Anregungen. Allerdings hätte der Kurs ein bis zwei Tage länger sein dürfen, um noch detaillierter Befundungen zu besprechen, Behandlungen individuell festzulegen, zu üben und dann auch auszuwerten.
Claudia Wutke, Physiotherapeutin Private Schule für Körperbehinderte
Coburg, Deutschland
Shaping Aquatic Physical Therapy --- C.G. Prashanth, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Dharwad, India
The Teacher who has no inhibitions to share and leads us to think in a systematic manner through evidence, assignments and clinical cases is the right person to learn from. Having a vast experience in teaching with a clinical background and having worked with founders, Johan Lambeck is the right ambassador in shaping Aquatic Physical Therapy. We were happy to have him with us in India to begin the chapter of WST & BRRM the first certification program.
C.G. Prashanth, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Dharwad, India
Johan un gran profesional, docente y ser humano --- Jenny Osorio, physiotherapist at SaludGaia, Cali, Colombia
Me siento orgullosa de haber tenido la oportunidad en nuestro país de recibir el entrenamiento en WST - Halliwick con Johan. Primero por el contenido teorico y practico que se desarrollo y segundo porque trasciende de los conceptos teóricos a motivarnos e incentivar la creatividad, el análisis e investigación en nuestro ejercicio profesional. Nos muestra su calidad humana y amor por nuestra profesión. Johan un gran profesional, docente y ser humano. Gracias por compartirlo con nosotros!!!
Doesn’t get dull listening to him --- Heidi Abrahamsson, Kira Durchman and Hanna Rinkinen, Finland
Johan Lambeck has twice given courses (2014 and 2015) in WST in Finland.
Johan is an inspiring lecturer with a great sense of humor and it doesn’t get dull listening to him. He delivers new aspects in water therapy and enriches his lectures with many video examples. He has given us a great deal of new tools through Halliwick WST.
As physiotherapists and special swimming teachers we can highly recommend him as a lecturer and as a teacher of new practices in the pool.
I´ve been working with aquatherapy for many years in many countries. It was very refressening to meet Johan in Helsinki 2015. He has such a humble and humouristic approach in his teaching. He gave me new ideas and tools to use in practise. Thank You Johan for your inspiration!
Heidi Abrahamsson, Physiotherapist
Kira Durchman
Physiotherapist (NDT),The Ruskis unit of Valteri Centre for Learning and Consulting
Finnish Swimming Teaching and Lifesaving Federation(FSL) Instructor
Hanna Rinkinen
Physiotherapist, Lymphatherapist, Finnish Swimming Teaching and Lifesaving Federation (FSL) Instructor
Particulièrement impressionné --- Å. Ponsot-Gyllunger, Genève
Merci beaucoup pour ce matin de supervision. C’était très agréable et riche. Tu nous a donné pleins d’idées pour la suite. Tu nous a particulièrement impressionné dans ta prise en charge auprès de XX, petite fille (syndrome dysmorphie-génétique avec autisme) qui nous pose beaucoup de soucis. Du coup nous avons des nouvelles outils pour la suite.
Å. Ponsot-Gyllunger PT
Ecole la Petite Arche, Genève
Amazing --- Kiki Dickinson MPT, St. Croix Therapy, Hudson, Wisconsin, USA, Participated in the BRRM and CAC courses in Sun city, USA, 2015
It was amazing, the best aquatic classes I have been to!! Thank you so much. I hope to come to Halliwick next Spring! So glad to meet you. I wonder if they even know what an amazing wealth of knowledge and instructor they have in your country!
Johan is more than a teacher -- Inertia Therapy Services, Phoenix, USA
Halliwick Aquatic Therapy (as taught in April 204 in Phoenix) is more than a technique. It is a concept that flows from the principles of kinesiology and requires a balanced understanding of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics.
Likewise, Johan is more than a teacher. His drive for educating the medical community is only surpassed by his evident passion for the patients that benefit from his expertise.
As an instructor, Johan is dynamic and engaging. He easily adjusts his communication style to conform to his audience. Johan not only clearly explains what evidence is available, but he also encourages you to pursue additional research so desperately needed in the field. It is clear why Johan is the leading expert in Halliwick Water Specific Therapy and also a principal voice in aquatics.
Stacy Lynch, PTA, CPT, GAq
Director of Programming at Inertia Therapy Services"
Far reaching value -- Dori Maxon, San Francisco
I’ve wanted to take the Halliwick Aquatic Therapy Certification course for years from Johan Lambeck PT (the master), which was made possible by Stacy Lynch of Inertia Therapy Services in April 2014 in Phoenix AZ.
Johan is extraordinarily knowledgeable and the number one teacher in the world on this topic. What I learned in this course has changed how I look at treatment and how we train our staff. The value of this training and technique is far reaching and will continue expand for me in time. I can’t wait to take a refresher course to learn more! Thank you!
I am very proud to be part of the first class of Halliwick Aquatic Therapy Certified practitioners in the country. Thanks to Inertia for this wonderful course and for bringing Johan to the states. This course has and will continue to change the way we deliver care to our pediatric clients! THANK YOU!!
Dori Maxon PT MEd
Special Needs aquatics Program
San Francisco
Sin duda totalmente recomendable -- CRIT-Teleton Estado de México Tlalnepantla
Fue un placer contar con la presencia de un experto en Terapia Acuática como lo es Johan Lambeck en México, nos compartió sus conocimientos pero sobre todo su amplia experiencia en el tema. Fue un curso enriquecedor ya que no solamente es Teórico, es totalmente práctico lo cual es muy didáctico, Nos dio las herramientas para brindarles a nuestros pacientes una alternativa divertida para complementar su rehabilitación dando un enfoque positivo y sobre todo respaldado científicamente.
Agradecemos todas sus atenciones y esperando en un futuro próximo contar nuevamente con su presencia
LFT. Cinthya Isabel Ruiz Alvarez del Castillo , Diciembre 2014
Cambio la terapia acuatica --- CRIT-Teleton Irapuata (mx)
Excelente curso (Abril 2013), cambio nuestra forma de realizar la terapia acuática, ahora tenemos un enfoque mas funcional hacia la rehabilitación, mejoro nuestros conceptos y seguridad en la valoración y aplicación del tratamiento, gracias Johan por compartir tus experiencias y conocimientos.
Josué Islas Castelan
Coordenador de Terapias
Encouraging new projects --- Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir
Aquatic therapy is a fairly new concept for Turkiye even though some of the oldest spas were located in the border of Turkey. We are proud to say that Dokuz Eylül University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation is the first school in Turkiye which commences the evidence based aquatic therapy education. However we should thank Johan Lambeck for all his support and contributions on both for aquatic therapy education and practice.
It is always a pleasure to listen his actual and scientifically supported presentations. His practical sessions were not only informative but enjoyable and inspiring.
His passion to his work and his diligence encourage us for new projects such as Evidence Based Aquatic Therapy Congress 2013 in İzmir.
Working with such a consummate professional like him is always an honor and hope to see him again in the near future.
Mehtap Malkoç
Director of DEU School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
A major resource to the field --- NASMI, Washington State University
It has been a true pleasure to work with with Johan over the past several decades, in our collaborations on aquatic therapy education both within the USA and internationally. Johan is a wellspring of energy and knowledge, dedicated to furthering the science and practice of aquatic therapy, and a true educator. He has contributed excellent chapters to the last 2 editions of my textbook, "Comprehensive Aquatic Therapy," greatly enhancing the value of the book. I view him as a major resource to the field.
Bruce E. Becker, MD, MS
Director, National Aquatics and Sports Medicine Institute
Washington State University
Enseignement de qualité en Suisse --- Halliwick Suisse / Switzerland
Depuis de nombreuses années, Johan enseigne Halliwick en Suisse et nous en avons toujours été pleinement satisfaits.
Son enseignement est de très grande qualité tant au niveau pratique que théorique, pédagogique et humain.
Johan est toujours disposé à adapter ses cours à nos demandes.
Nous apprécions son intérêt pour la recherche et son professionnalisme dans de nombreux domaines qui contribuent à faire évoluer la méthode.
Les cours se déroulent dans une atmosphère conviviale favorable aux échanges et à l'apprentissage.
Les participants viennent de différents horizons: éducateurs, enseignants spécialisés, physiothérapeutes, ergothérapeutes, moniteurs de sports, proches de personnes handicapées.
Tous repartent du cours de Johan pleinement motivés avec le bagage qui leur est nécessaire dans leurs activités spécifiques.
Nous espérons pouvoir bénéficier des connaissances et de l'excellent enseignement de Johan encore pendant de nombreuses années.
Successor of James McMillan ---- Halliwick German Switzerland
Als Nachfolger von James McMillan unterrichtet Johan Lambeck seit 1995 in der Deutschschweiz: Halliwick Grund- und Aufbaukurse, sowie Weiterbildungen und bringt sein grosses Wissen und jahrzehntelange Erfahrungen in die Kurse mit ein. Dabei sind seine Kenntnisse immer auf dem neuesten Stand.
Maria Küng
Sekretariat Halliwick Deutschschweiz
Grandes beneficios --- Upace, Unión Parálysis Cerebral: Jerez, Spain
El pasado mes de Abril pudimos contar de nuevo con Johan Lambeck, que volvía a traer de la mano el curso de "Terapia acuática en neurología y pediatría, basado en Halliwick" a Jerez.
Durante esos días nos ha guiado mientras experimentábamos con la mecánica de fluidos y la forma en que un cuerpo se desenvuelve en el agua, para después aplicarlo a nuestros pacientes en el agua. La destreza en la técnica que demuestra se mezclaba con un gran ambiente en el grupo, de forma que el aprendizaje se producía de forma muy motivante.
Los conocimientos actualizados en control motor, investigación y evaluación los trasmite con una metodología didáctica impecable, de forma que los alumnos descubren muchas herramientas para su práctica cotidiana y reciclan su saber profesional. El dominio de su asistente, Javier Güeita, refuerzan el carácter científico del evento.
No podemos más que agradecer el esfuerzo que está haciendo para en difundir una corriente terapéutica que reporta grandes beneficios en nuestros usuarios y pacientes, y desear que vuelva a repetirse muchas veces en el futuro.
Many new ideas and tools --- La Fundación Pita López, Madrid, Spain
It has been an honour for us to be able to benefit from the experience and knowledge of Johan Lambeck in Madrid. He has a wealth of up-to-date knowledge to share, both regarding research in physiotherapy and the latest developments in the field of rehabilitation, and this has is reflected in his classes. As a teacher, he has been able to introduce new concepts and he has given us ideas and tools that we are able to apply in the clinic with our patients.
The course has given us many new ideas and it has shown us that there are many useful elements to consider within acquatic therapy, as well as knowledge regarding designing individualized water-based treatments. Johan has helped severely affected patients to remain active, independent and experiment with new sensations such as the effects of flotation. During the practical sessions he was able to bring the group together, introducing a number of games and activities in the water.
We hope that in the near future Johan will come back to Spain so that we can continue to benefit and learn from these excellent courses.
Para nosotros ha sido un honor poder contar con la experiencia y la sabiduría de Johan Lambeck en Madrid. Ha demostrado tener un gran conocimiento actualizado sobre la investigación en fisioterapia y sobre los últimos avances en el campo de la rehabilitación lo cual se ha visto reflejado en sus clases.
Como docente ha sido capaz de introducir los conceptos nuevos y nos a dado ideas y herramientas para poder aplicar en la clínica con los pacientes.
Nos ha gustado porque nos ha dado ideas porque entendemos que hay muchas mas cosas útiles dentro de la terapia acuática. Saber que se puede hacer en el agua de forma individualizada.
Ha hecho que los pacientes con gran discapacidad a mantenerse activo mostrarles a ser independientes y experimentar con los efectos de la flotación. Nos ha dado estrategias para el tratamiento, progresión de la secuencia. Igualmente durante las clases ha sido capaz de unir al grupo para realizar las prácticas, introduciendo juegos y actividades didácticas en el agua.
En el futuro nos encantaría poder contar con su presencia en España y continuar con el aprendizaje de sus excelentes cursos.
Equipo terapeutico
Back home fully satisfied --- Hidrokinesis Mendoza Argentina
We have always wanted to bring Johan Lambeck to Argentina since we knew him. He's been coming from 2008 once a year and the results are great. People come to the courses because they are eager to know the methods Johan teaches, and they go back home fully satisfied.
We have found his performance has always been highly professional as well as updated.
His innovative speeches make the intercommunication easier and more effective generating satisfactory results, because people interact every now and then when the situation requires it, and he allows that to happen during the whole course.
All of us are very thankful of sharing his knowledge, experiences and advises, and we look forward to keep on bringing him to Argentina in the upcoming years to continue with the development of aquatic therapies.
Remarkable growth --- IATF-Korea
It is always an honor to have Mr. Johan Lambeck in Korea every year since 1997. He cooperated also with the Korean Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy (KAAPT) and we have held a variation of courses related to aquatic (physical) therapy: Halliwick, Bad Ragaz Ring Method, Aquatic relaxation, special course in Pediatrics, Neurology or Orthopedics, and so on. More than 1000 participants in Korea have completed one of his courses became an aquatic physical therapy specialist. It is not too much to say that his dedicated work and consistent support helped the remarkable growth of aquatic therapy in Korea. Aquatic therapy is now regarded as one of outstanding treatments in rehabilitation. Many of the MSc and PhD students have published their theses with topics of aquatic therapy. In terms of infrastructure, sizable hospitals and federal governments became interested in aquatic therapy, and well-designed facilities have been established across the country. Eventually, this trend leads to increase opportunities for patients to choose when they consider their treatment. Currently, we plan to open more lectures to other health professions and the public as well as to physical therapists to satisfy needs of people who want to improve their health function. The KAAPT deeply appreciates Johan's effort and contribution to introduce aquatic therapy in Korea, and hopes that this successful relationship between the KAAPT and Johan Lambeck will last in the future.
Prof Kim T-Y, PhD († 2011) Dongshin University, Naju. President of IATF-Korea
Every year new improvements --- Hidrovida centro de atividades aquáticas: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Há mais de 10 anos que organizamos cursos de fisioterapia aquática de Johan Lambeck no Brasil. Acompanhamos o crescimento e a solidificação do programa e da estrutura pedagógica. O ensino dos métodos fundamentais (Halliwick, Terapia Específica na Água, Bad Ragaz, Relaxamento) evoluiu para incluir outros tópicos relevantes à atuação fisioterápica e à correta e eficaz aplicação dos métodos: raciocínio clínico, compatibilização com a CIF, pesquisa de evidências na Internet, avaliações no solo e na água. A prática com pacientes participantes dos cursos é fundamental. A cada ano, traz aprimoramentos e informações atuais sobre o estado da arte da fisioterapia em geral e da aquática em particular, refletindo sua participação em cursos e congressos e permitindo-lhe familiarizar-se e tomar conhecimento do que ocorre no mundo inteiro, característica ímpar, tornando-o um elo de ligação entre profissionais nos diversos continentes. Sua permanente campanha e pregação em assegurar o nível de qualidade das técnicas e métodos está associada à intensa agenda de formação de fisioterapeutas e de instrutores em fisioterapia aquática. Assim como a atuação de James McMillan no estabelecimento dos fundamentos da moderna fisioterapia aquática na segunda metade do séc. XX, a atuação de Johan Lambeck no início do séc. XXI em manter vivos, aprimorar e disseminar estes fundamentos, além de aglutinar pessoas, constitui um marco na história da fisioterapia aquática.
We have been organizing Johan Lambeck´s aquatic physiotherapy courses in Brazil for over 10 years. We followed the growth and the strengthening of its program and pedagogic structure. The teaching of the base methods (Halliwick, Water Specific Therapy, Bad Ragaz Ring Method, Relaxation) developed to include other topics relevant to the physiotherapic work and to the effective and correct use of the methods: clinical reasoning, compatibility with the ICF, search for evidences in the Internet, assessments in dryland and in water. Pratice with patients during the courses is essential. Every year, new improvements and updated information are brought about the state of art of physiotherapy in general and aquatic physiotherapy in particular, reflecting his participation in courses and congresses and enabling him to get acquainted and aware of what is going on all over the world, a unique feature, turning him a link between professionals from all continents. His permanent campaign and preach to assure the level of quality of techniques and methods cojoins his intensive schedule of courses to educate physiotherapists in aquatic physiotherapy, as well as instructors. Alike James McMillan´s activities in the late XX Century in setting the foundations of the modern aquatic physiotherapy, Johan Lambeck´s activities in the early XXI Century to keep alive, improve and spread around those foundations, apart from linking people, are a milestone as well in the history of aquatic physiotherapy.
Gran difusión y maestría - Langreon, Asturias-Es
El curso Halliwick en Neurología-Asturias (Julio 2013) ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora para todos por la maestría de Johan Lambeck, que ha sido capaz de dar a conocer la terapia acuática, basada en evidencia científica, de una manera clara, sencilla y motivante para quienes hemos tenido el placer de compartir sus conocimientos en este ámbito tan específico.
La divulgación a través de los medios de comunicación ha puesto en conocimiento la terapia acuática y sus beneficios a diferentes instituciones públicas. Todo ello no hubiera sido posible si no fuera por el gran interés que ha suscitado la presencia de Johan Lambeck en Asturias, que, confiamos, volvamos a reencontrarnos de nuevo.
Hugo Raúl Castellanos Lorenzo.
Fondue aquatiqie - Beau Sejour, Geneva
Halliwick thérapeutique
Je suis venu au stage/cours Halliwick Thérapeutes car, dans ma pratique aquatique, je me trouvais dans une sorte de confrontation avec mes patients. Je voulais qu'ils suivent la bonne progression que je leur proposais, alors qu'ils s'entêtaient à faire autrement et à rester dans leurs travers. Je pensais qu'en mettant un peu de ludique là-dedans, ils suivraient "mon droit chemin". C'était sans compter avec cette formation qui allait m'ouvrir à une autre vision des choses.
Au cours de ce stage, Johan a souvent comparé son travail à la réalisation d'une fondue. La qualité de la fondue obtenue étant le résultat du choix et du mélange des ingrédients.
J'ai donc essayé de découvrir comment Johan fait sa fondue Halliwick thérapeutique. Sous des apparences de facilité et de badinerie se cache une démarche méthodologique et des connaissances techniques très poussées.
Le principe de base :
• analyser le problème du patient à sec,
• choisir avec lui une ligne d'action
"Comme dans l'eau, c'est un peu différent qu'à sec mais pas vraiment", il exploitera au mieux les propriétés de ce milieu sur la base des dix points de la méthode Halliwick. Mais avant de se lancer, il recherche une échelle de mesure adaptée à la situation du patient pour évaluer l'efficacité de la séance en pratiquant cette mesure avant et après le traitement. Voilà pour la première étape.
Pourla fondue, il faut du liquide, du fromage et de la chaleur et on en met plus ou moins selon les convives. Maintenant il faut procéder avec méthode. Tout d'abord, le choix des ingrédients et leur quantité. Et c'est là que Johan est un thérapeute hors pair car il possède des connaissances taxinomiques de toutes les pathologies, des facteurs de risque de toutes les techniques rééducatives, de toutes les formes du travail musculaire, de sa physiologie et de ses effets psychiques. A ceci, il faut ajouter l'intégration très précise des aspects psychologiques du patient. Et c'est en activant de façon réfléchie et dirigée toutes les touches de ce véritable orgue que cet organiste virtuose va pouvoir construire sa séance et amener le patient à transcender ses capacités motrices.
Johan se défend de faire de la cybernétique, mais je pense que comme Monsieur Jourdain, il en fait sans le savoir car ce processus est évolutif et s'adapte en permanence aux réactions du patient.
Et pour la touche finale, Johan vous apprendra aussi à construire la présentation de votre travail à un médecin, à un collègue ou à un patient.
Voilà le survol de cette formation et comme le talent est constitué de 90% de travail, je ne peux que vous encourager à vous lancer !
Jean-Claude Kessareff
Physiothérapeute Beau-Séjour
University hospitals, Genève
Enriched clinical thinking: Filoktitis rehabilitation centre, Athens, Greece
The “Water specific therapy in neurological adult” course was completed with success at Filoktitis Rehabilitation center (Athens, Greece) in February 2014. 19 participants attended the course from the Greek rehabilitation field . The theory part was very interesting and updated with the new elements in aquatic therapy. The practice was applications of Halliwick in neurologic patients based on clinical reasoning and evidence based theory. The patient’s demonstration therapy from Johan Lambeck gave the participants the opportunity to enrich their clinical thinking and alternatives ways to manage the neurologic patient. It was a great seminar.!! Thank you Johan!!
Efthymia Vagena
Senior aquatic therapist