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icebat 2026

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header water lambeck

Aquatic Therapy for various conditions


Neuropediatrics: Halliwick handling
Cardio lifestyle: motor-cognitive gaming
Neuro hemiplegia: reactive postural control WST
Persistent LBP: proprioceptive BRRM
Breast cancer edema: Clinical Ai Chi
OA hip and knee: turbulent strengthening




Taking a patient into a pool is a start of using possibilities that dry land doesn’t provide. A pool e.g. offers space, supports body weight, slows down movements, prevents falling, influences breathing. Designing a customized treatment program is different and challenging. Johan Lambeck will guide participants through 6 cases, based on expertise, guidelines, research and patient values. The result of the clinical reasoning process will end into design of exercises that will make systems and tissues adapt, based on the specific characteristics of water.

The course is grouped around 5 themes: adult neurology, neuropediatrics, cardiovascular musculoskeletal, oncology.


Johan will share knowledge and skills by providing the background of the clinical decision making during the presentations in parallel workshops. 

The course will have a classroom component and of course also an aquatic part (50% of the time).


The leading case will be the child with a non-ambulatory cerebral palsy in GFMCS V in which handling is of utmost importance. 

Intervention tactics for head-, mouth- and trunk control are based on Water Specific Therapy (WST) and Halliwick

Adult neurology

The leading case will be an adult with a stroke, that has some balance- and walking skills, but also a high risk of falling. 

Intervention tactics for (reactive) posture and fall prevention are perturbation training with WST principles

Cardiovascular life-style

The leading case will be the patient with metabolic syndrome including hypertension and problems with heart rate variability. 

Intervention tactics are (An)aerobic and aquatic motor-cognitive therapy, addressing e.g. the hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex

Musculoskeletal 1

The leading case will be an adult patient with persistent non-specific nociplastic low back pain

Intervention tactics are based on BACPAP recommendations and will include proprioceptive

Neuromotor priming through the Bad Ragaz Ring Method

Musculoskeletal 2

The leading case will be a patient with knee osteoarthritis in K&L 3.

Intervention tactics are conventional strengthening exercises using turbulence, applying aquatic dosing principles for muscular tissue.


The leading case will be a woman with edema after breast cancer surgery, based on decongestive therapy.

Intervention tactics are based on Clinical Ai Chi with a proximo-distal sequence to influence axillary volume flow.







Conference presentations Leuven 2015

aqua leuven

Conference presentations Querétaro 2016


Conference presentations Mysore 2017

india 2017